The First Degree Reiki Workshop includes:
- A sacred ritual called an “Attunement”
- An overview of the meaning, history, purpose, and benefits of Reiki
- Procedures for giving a complete and modified Reiki Session to others
- Several procedures for self-Reiki
- Supervised practice sessions
- Our inner space during sessions
- First Degree Reiki Certificate
Recommended : Receiving a full Reiki Session
Presenter: Judy Armelin, Reiki Master/Teacher (Inner Cairn Reiki, Lavish Earth Holistic Center)
Date/Time: Sunday, 2018 (9:00am – 6:00pm)
Place: The BTS Center - 97 India Street, Portland, ME
Fee: $175 + ($10.00 for manual)
Pre-Registration and a $75.00 deposit is required by.......
Please call Judy at 978-270-6026 to pre-register. Please leave your name and phone number and she will return your call. If using a credit card for deposit please have the information ready when you call.
Please bring a bag lunch. Beverages and a continental breakfast are provided.
Honoring the lineage of Usui, Hayashi, and Takata
Sunday, 2018
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(if paying by credit card, please make sure name is as it appears on the credit card)
Address: _____________________________________________________City/State/Zip________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________
Amount enclosed: _________________+++++________________
Credit card # ______________________________________________ Expiration date: ___________________Security Code: ____________________